On the auspicious occasion of Krishna Janmashtami, let us all take a moment to reflect on the teachings of Lord Krishna. Krishna teaches us how we should live our life.

Krishna has given many life teachings, let us see 7 important life lessons of them. 

"Do your duty and be detached from its outcome, do not be driven by the end product, enjoy the process of getting there ."

1. Importance of Karma

2. Everything comes and Go.

"Everything comes and goes in life. Happiness and unhappiness are temporary experiences that rise from sense perception. Heat and cold, pleasure and pain will come and go. They never last forever. So, do not get attached to them."

3. Everything happens for a reason.

"Whatever happens in life happen for good and there is always a cause or reason behind that."

Everything happens for a cause or good reason.

4.Treat everyone equaly

"A person is considered superior, who is impartial  towards friends, enemies, friends, relatives and strangers and treat everyone with equal respect."

5.Whatever the situation, don't give in to stress.

"The one  who is not disturbed by anyone, who is equipoised in happiness and distress, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Krishna."

6.Always act with conviction

"Aanything done such as sacrifice, charity of penance or austerity, without faith is useless. It has no value in this life or hereafter."

7. Surrender everything to God.

Surrendering to God does not mean to run away from life. It only meant to perform all thoughts and actions surrendering to God, making God the “doer” and you and I just servants of God.